Awesome Features

This app is equipped with features to make quoting on the go as simple as possible. Your smartphone can now become your revenue generator! Check out these awesome features.

  • Settings

    Customize your quote by entering your Rate Per Mile, FSC, and Accessorial charges. Your settings will be used to create the amount quoted. You can update your settings at any time.

  • Profile

    Setup your profile with your company information, including your name, contact number, and email address. Your email address will be used to email the quote directly to your customer or broker.

  • Quote History

    The app will keep a log of your quote history. The amount of the quote, date the quote was sent, origin and destination are all logged. You’d be amazed at how many quotes you send out every day.

  • Quote Summary

    The Quote Summary is the core feature of the app. This is where you can review the amount of the quote and make adjustments. You can even see your Potential Profit and Fuel Cost.

  • Email Quotes Instantly

    You can send your quote directly to your customer! This is one of the best features of the app. You and your customer will receive the email in seconds.

  • Informationals

    There are informational icons throughout the app to give you some examples of industry trends. This is only to give you an idea of what the common rates are for each charge. Customize your rates to reflect your company standards.

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How It Works?

After you setup your Profile and Settings, you can enter your Trip origin and destination. The app will compute your Quote based on your Accessorial settings and Total Miles. Take time to review your Quote, Fuel Cost and Potential Profit to determine if the load is profitable. Finally, you will enter the Customer’s email address and hit SEND. You and your Customer will receive the quote in seconds.

WhatsApp Chat

You can chat with our Customer Service team using WhatsApp. Get answers to your
questions quickly using our chat feature. WhatsApp Chat is available during business hours: 9am – 5pm EST, Monday – Friday.

24/7 Support

Our Customer Service is available 24/7 to answer questions and provide assistance.
Customer Service can be reached at

App Insights

We welcome your app feedback and enhancement ideas. Please submit your feedback
and ideas over on the App Insights page. We work hard to review and reply to each
submission. Your insights are very important to us. Afterall, two heads are better than one!

Provide Drayage Quotes On The Go!

Drayage Quoter will calculate your Fuel Cost and Potential Profit based on Total Miles. You can customize your quote by entering your Accessorial charges, such as FSC, Rate Per Mile, Detention, Storage Fee, Chassis Fee and many others.
Drayage Quoter even keeps a history of your quoted lanes. With a few clicks you can send your customized rate quote directly to your Customer.

Trip Info

Entering your Origin and Destination is powered by Google Maps. Find your origin by City, State or exact address.

Make it a Round Trip

Many times, drayage work is based on round trip miles versus one-way miles. Make sure to check this option when returning the container back to its origin if that’s a part of your trip.

Add Stop

If there are multiple pickups or multiple drops during your trip, you can add an additional stop. Your email to the customer will include all stops included in the quote. You can add up to 5 additional stops to the trip.

Your Settings Drives Your Quote

Your Settings drives the amount of your Quote. In the Settings, you will enter your Rate per Mile, Fuel Consumption, and your rate for each Accessorial.

  • There are informational icons beside each charge to give you an idea of what industry
    trends are.
  • Fuel Surcharge is always a percentage of the Linehaul. Check out for current
    fuel rates to help you determine your FSC.
  • Miles per Gallon is truck specific. How many miles does your truck get per gallon? This
    will be used to compute your fuel cost.
  • Be sure to enter an amount for each Accessorial, even if you don’t need it for your
    quote. Every Customer wants to know what your accessorial charges are before
    awarding you the load.
  • Every region is different when it comes to Accessorial charges. Make sure the charges
    reflect your company’s standards.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled a list of questions submitted by our users. Below you can find answers to these frequently asked questions.

Yes, Drayage Quoter can be downloaded from the Apple Appstore as well as the Google Playstore.

The app is FREE for the first 7 days. After 7 days you will be required to subscribe to the app to use the quoting feature.

Drayage Quoter provides two ways to get help: 1) WhatsApp Chat and 2) Email

Still have a question? Ask your question here

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Have a question for the team or an idea for a cool new Feature? Submit your question or ideas below.

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9805 Statesville Road,
Suite 6623 Charlotte, NC 28269
United States

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Working Hours

Monday–Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed